Episode 56: Life and Gaming!


Bleak, J2abbit, and Dustysurface get together again for this month’s episode. Grandpa Garp could not make it due to technical difficulties, so maybe next month’s episode will be in person instead of being virtual!

The guys talk about life in general in this episode. Bleak travels the world, and we go over one of our favorite new health machines: the CPAP machine. Believe it or not, we are now the CPAP gang! With life getting more busy, it’s hard to find time to game but J2abbit was able to try out the new Dead Island 2 and also Day Z. Be sure to hear what he says about the game if you’re on the fence about those games. If we’re not busy with life and not gaming, we’re also watching movies and binging episodes on Netflix. Bleak and Dusty talk about some of the shows and movies they’ve watched which includes BEEF. J2abbit also talks about John Wick 4. Thanks again everyone for listening and please let your friends know about us and that you all can send your questions and thoughts to us at

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